ANSWER: Based on the business described you appear to qualify for a solo 401k plan for investing in alternative investments such as oil fields and real estate. Reason being, you are self-employed and have not full-time employees. The other item to be mindful of is that if you own any other businesses that have full-time employees, you may not qualify for a solo 401k because of the controlled group rules which basically state that all businesses must be aggregated to determine if any full-time employees also qualify to participate in a retirement plan.
If you qualify to setup a solo 401k plan, you can do so by following the instructions on our setup page: http://www.mysolo401k.net/OpenSolo401k.html
Alternatively, you can give us a call and we will walk you through the solo 401k signup process.
The following procedure explains the process of investing a solo 401k in a private company that invests in oil fields. http://www.mysolo401k.net/Self-Directed-401k-Self-Directed-Solo-401k-Private-Investment-LLC-Corporation-LP.html
And the following procedure explains how to invest a solo 401k in real estate. http://www.mysolo401k.net/SelfDirected401k.html
Thank you, George in Oklahoma